KCA Board of Directors 2023/2024
The Directors meet no fewer than four (4) times each year and elect the organization’s officers. The officers are the President, Treasurer and Corporate Secretary. The intention is for Board membership to generally reflect the various neighbourhoods of Kingsburg.
At the first Board meeting following the AGM the following officers were elected; and the committee chairs have been confirmed.
KCA Officers
Julie Wong – President
Julie Wong – Corporate Secretary
Charles Melanson – Treasurer
KCA Committee Chairs
Mary St. James – Communications Committee
Alexandra Schittmann – Environmental Committee
TBA - Finance & Accounting Committee
Susan Pond - History Committee
Debora Walsh - Membership & Engagement Committee
Robert Meyer - Road Committee
Julie Wong - Website Committee
In Conversation With…
Debora Walsh — Past President of the KCA — 2020-2023
What initially attracted you to Kingsburg and when was that? I fell in love with Kingsburg 40 years ago the first time I crested the hill to drive into the village to visit Anne Fouillard and John Duckworth. It was instantaneous. Little did I know then that this beautiful place was also home to an eclectic collection of friendly people passionate about this magical enclave. After many years of visiting Kingsburg it became my home in 2010.
In practical terms in which was does the KCA benefit not only its members but the community as a whole. The KCA is truly a grassroots organization that speaks for the whole community. The adage “strength in numbers’’ applies. We brag about our membership. Government and other agencies have commended the KCA for its breadth of membership and its committee structure; they express the desire for a direct, representative path to all their communities. We are delivering on that.
What KCA Initiative left you most inspired? The KCA has recently created an Emergency Planning initiative that is working to identify hazards/risks to our community and how they will be addressed. I am inspired by the breadth of knowledge and commitment being brought to this work. I am always inspired by members who give of their time and capabilities to protect and preserve Kingsburg.
Carole Anne Mosher — Past President & Founding Member of the KCA — 2016-2017
What attracted you to Kingsburg and when was that? It was sixty two years ago when I married my high school sweetheart, Lamont (aka Monty) Mosher who is a direct descendent of an original settler, Hans Jacob Mosher Sr. who arrived in Kingsburg in 1753 from Germany to live and raise his family. And, like our ancestors, and nine generations later, Monty and I raised our three sons in this very same village that we proudly call home. This is a place I have lived all my married life and it is one in which the kindness and community spirit fostered here by families for generations has provided me with the gift of being able to serve as the first President of the Kingsburg Community Association.
Which two vivid memories stand out for you of the KCA? I will always cherish the many special friendships that have developed while serving on KCA Committees to improve the quality of life in our absolutely beautiful seaside village. As many of you know, being Chair of the History Committee is very dear to my heart as I take great pride in our people. I feel very lucky that I can inspire and work with village members who are equally excited to preserve our stories of Kingsburg. I am thankful for all the KCA members' kind efforts to help bring to life the many unique experiences of our local folklore so that others can appreciate it more fully. As the first president of the KCA I was keenly aware of how much we need to continue to grow our community spirit and bring together our family and friends of all generations of Kingsburg. Forging deep and lasting friendships that can ensure is a cornerstone of our lives in Kingsburg. It has been an absolute pleasure to celebrate all that we are. A very special KCA project that stands out for me was working as the Chair of the KCA Road Committee. Alongside dedicated members who were instrumental in making sure that Hirtles Beach Road got paved and could become a more safe and accessible roadway to our pristine beach. This was truly a great achievement and one we can all be proud of in our village.
When you think of Kingsburg, what comes to mind? When I think of Kingsburg, my heart is full to the brim. I love to hear the roar of the ocean. I am amazed by the presence of nature and the wilderness, which surrounds me every day. I see the happy faces and hear the laughter of so many people who visit and live here. I really appreciate that others from around the world love Kingsburg as much as I do. And when I look out at the night sky here, it is incredible. In Kingsburg we are so lucky to be in a designated "blue zone" so we are able to see many galaxies of stars here. There is a deep and lasting peace here. It is most humbling to look up into the vastness on a clear night from where my husband and I sit together on our front porch. We quietly smile and in our silence, we both love this special place beyond words.